Buy Business Partner Package in, Just pay Rs 14999 + Tax online and become our business partner.
Business Partner package : Rs 14999
A Business Partner can Buy or Sell our different International Packages and get profit in multiple levels. A Business Partner will get non working return as well get Team business profit and different rewards and awards. Rs 14999 is one-time fees for our Business Partner.
1st Year Cashback is : Rs 500 x 12 Months.
2nd Year Cashback is : Rs 1000 x 12 Months.
3rd Year Cashback is : Rs 1500 x 12 Months.
4th Year Cashback is : Rs 2000 x 12 Months.
5th Year Cashback is : Rs 2500 x 12 Months.
Total cashback is Rs 90000 in 60 Months. If your work or not work you will get cashback for 60 Months
60 Months total Cashback Rs 90000
Refer 3 Clients and Become Prime Business Partner..
Refer 5 Clients and Become Affiliate Business Partner.
As soon you join and activate your account, you become a part of our Business Partner Program.
For each direct client get Rs 1000 as rewards
Refer 3 Clients and Become PRIME Business Partner and activate 10 Levels of Referral Income.
Refer 5 Clients and Become AFFILIATE Business Partner and activate 15 Levels of Referral Income
Total Working income maximum Rs 1,00,000,00.
Level 01-03 : Rs 200
Level 04 - 10 : Rs 200
Level 11 - 15 : Rs 100
Note : Your Maximum Team Wallet income is
Rs 1,00,00,000 (1cr)
You can refer as many direct clients. Once you refer minimum 3 clients and become PRIME you will activate 4 LEVELS of rewards and Awards
Once you refer minimum 5 clients and become Affiliate you will activate all 7 LEVELS of rewards and Awards
Once you are an Active member, for each Direct referral Client in Time2Tour get RS 1000 Cash Bonus for each Direct Clients from the company
Minimum 3 Clients to get this Level Income
Once you have 9 members in your Level-2 You will get a beautiful Travel KIT From the Company MRP : Rs 9999. .
Once you have minimum 25 members under your Level-3, You will get Free up and down air Tickets and a Complete Thailand Trip Package. THAILAND PACKAGE from the company with food and Air Tickets
Once you have 75 members under your 4 You will get a Free international tour package and can travel to 5 different countries
INTERNATIONAL TOUR PACKAGE from the company to travel 5 Countries
06th Month : DUBAI
12th Month : MALAYSIA
18th Month : SINGAPORE
27th Month : INDONESIA
36th Month : SRI LANKA
Once you have 240 members under your Level-5 Company provides you Rs 1,20,000 to buy a new Bike.
+80 Members : Rs 40000
+80 Members : Rs 40000
+80 Members : Rs 40000
Once you have 600 members under your Level-6 Company will provide you Rs 5,00,000 to buy a new Car.
+150 Members : Rs 125000
+150 Members : Rs 125000
+150 Members : Rs 125000
+150 Members : Rs 125000
Once you have 2000 members under your Level-7 Company will provide you 1250 Sq ft of Land in Time2Tour City Area